
Coping with grief amid the Corona Virus pandemic

Did you recently lose a loved one to the daunting Corona Virus pandemic? Maybe you are coping with grief from losing someone suddenly and unexpectedly. The thing with sudden and unforeseen loss is that it leaves you with strong feelings of guilt or unfinished business with the person who passed away. You can’t help but wish that if only you had more time, you would have made things right with them or you would have told them how much you love them. But you can’t.      Instead, you feel as if your reality has been shattered and the future suddenly seems very dim and miserable. This is perhaps the darkest moment of your life and you do not know what to do. You have never been here before. It is a cold, depressing, and heartbreaking path that life is forcing you to take. I know exactly how you feel.    My experience with grief The sudden loss of my dad back in 2017 left my world turned upside down. Life suddenly lost its taste and my future seemed like a distant gloomy idea that h

7 Ways of getting over a break up

  Let's talk about heart breaks. What do you do when someone breaks your heart? Do you become Joe Goldberg? Do you give up on love and become miserable? Getting your heart broken can be devastating, and leave you feeling hopeless about life. But I am here to tell you that all hope is not lost. You will get over your ex. You will lift yourself up again and you will heal. And one day, you will even smile again.       Here are a few tips on how to get over a break up, particularly a nasty one.    ALLOW YOURSELF TO FEEL THE PAIN I know this does not sound as comforting as you had hoped, but actually the only way to get over a breakup, is to get through it. Process the feelings, accept that you have been hurt, and know that you will get better with time. The more you pretend to be fine, the more distressed you will feel. Let it all out. Cry, scream, or shout if possible. Just get it out of your system.      DON’T BECOME YOUR FEELINGS So you have been heartbroken and you have