7 Ways of getting over a break up
talk about heart breaks. What do you do when someone breaks your heart? Do you become Joe Goldberg? Do you give up on love and become miserable? Getting your heart broken can be devastating,
and leave you feeling hopeless about life. But I am here to
tell you that all hope is not lost. You will get over your ex. You will
lift yourself up again and you will heal. And one day, you will even
smile again.
Here are a few tips on how to get over a break up, particularly a nasty one.
I know this does not sound as
comforting as you had hoped, but actually the only way to get over a
breakup, is to get through it. Process the feelings, accept that you
have been hurt, and know that you will get better with time. The more
you pretend to be fine, the more distressed you will feel. Let it all
out. Cry, scream, or shout if possible. Just get it out of your system.

So you have been heartbroken and
you have cried all night, maybe even for a few days. You feel low and
unexcited about everything. But does this mean that you go on like
this forever? NO! You gave your heart to the wrong person and they broke
your heart. Do not let it break you too. Turn your focus to yourself,
and give yourself the same kind of love you were willing to give to
somebody else. Soon enough, you will start to glow with joy and you will
be okay.

Try and identify any
impulses you may have that are unhealthy and work on them. Do you get
sudden urges to text your ex and insult them? Do you feel like shaming
them and bad mouthing them among your common friends? This is an
indication that you are still hurting on the inside and you need to
heal. You are responding to this pain by lashing out at your ex. The
best thing to do is to acknowledge that you still feel hurt and begin
the healing process. If you don’t , the pain will keep trying to come
out in form of toxic abusive behavior.
It is very tempting to want to keep in
touch with your ex. But if your ex was that amazing, then why did you
break up? In order to be truly free to get over your ex, you must cut
off all communication with them. Texts, calls, social media. And yes, no
Do not go to their social media to have a peek. You may find
more pain there. It is okay to want to seek closure and understand why
you guys didn’t work out, so that you can finally move on for good.
Understand that you will not always have closure. Some relationships
just don’t work out. Some people will just never see how amazing you
are. It is their loss. Just let it go and keep being the amazing
individual that you are.
through a break up alone can be devastating. You don’t have to bear all
the pain alone. Talk to your friend or family member or anyone you can
trust. Open up about how you really feel. Sharing with someone, getting
counsel, and being reminded that you are not alone can be very
You may be left feeling idle
and empty after a breakup, especially if you used to do everything with
your ex. Don’t lose hope. All is not lost. This is the perfect time to
try out new things.
What is that thing you always wanted to try out but
never could because you had to spend time with your bae? Have you
always wanted to travel, or go camping, or even try out a new hobby?
Whatever it is, now is the perfect time to explore yourself.
This world
is full of wonder. Go out and live a little.
your heart is broken, it can be easy to declare that you will never love
again. But please don’t give up on love. Don’t let one person destroy
your chance of finding the right person for you. The one who will
appreciate all your efforts and love you back with the same intensity is
still out there, looking and waiting for you. You just have to heal
Talk to a professional life coach today about your broken heart
When going through a break up, it can be hard to know who to trust with your struggles. Do you need someone to talk to about what you are going through? Give us a call today. You are not alone. You will know what it feels like to be happy again and your heart will heal.
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