How to deal with stress and take care of your mental health


 Dealing with stress can be a complex and unwanted experience, especially when done wrong. Stress is a part of life and you need to know how to handle yourself in stressful situations. What would you do today if that plan that you are working on fails? How wold you react if people around you started frustrating you for no reason? In case you encounter a disappointment today, will you let it affect your entire mood?

We all know that we cannot stop life from happening. We have no control over that. However, we have complete control over how we respond to what happens to us. And as your coach, I have prepared several tips that you can use to overcome stress. Check them out below:

Acknowledge that you are stressed

Are you focusing too much on your problems that you have completely neglected yourself? The first step to dealing with stress is acknowledging that you are stressed. It is OKAY to feel stressed. However, you do not need to remain in a stressful state. 



Connect with people who care about you

Many times in life we forget to bear our burdens with others. Could you have convinced yourself that you don't need anyone's help? Are you struggling on your own? You do not need to carry on like this. There are people in your life who genuinely care about you. Open up to them about what is stressing you. They may just have the solution that you need. And even if they can't solve your problem, at least you will have a shoulder to cry on. 


Move your body

Did you know that trauma and stress is stored in the body? This is why people who are depressed, anxious, or stressed tend to isolate themselves and sleep or slug around all day. Their bodies are overwhelmed with emotions or lack thereof. If you feel overwhelmed by life, don't remain still for long periods of time. Move around, work out, take a bath, go for a walk, do house chores, or any other activity. By moving, you will improve your blood circulation and release any stress stored in your body. 

 silhouette of three women running on grey concrete road


Avoid bad coping habits when you're stressed

Unfortunately for most of us, school never taught us how to deal with complex emotions like stress. As adults, we ended up developing bad coping habits to distract ourselves when life gets tough. Some of the most common bad coping habits include:

  • Drugs
  • Sex
  • Smoking
  • Drinking
  • Porn 

 Such habits only worsen the situation instead of providing the solution. Avoid them at all costs when you feel stressed. 

Change your focus

The main reason why we feel stressed and frustrated about things is because we focus on the things we cannot change. Surely that will leave you feeling hopeless and helpless. Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, we recommend that you focus on the things that you can control. In other words, forget about what you CAN'T do and focus on what you CAN do. 


Practice gratitude whenever you're stressed

The quickest and easiest way to appreciate the things in your life is practicing gratitude. What are you grateful for today? This is what we recommend; for a few minutes each day, forget about what is letting you down or what yo haven't accomplished. Think of all the great things you have accomplished. What are you thankful for? Health? Love? Family? Job? Support? There has to be something in your life that yo cannot trade for anything else. Identify it and express your gratitude. 


man in pink dress shirt standing on gray concrete pavement near body of water during daytime


Deal with your stressful situation

 Did you do know that no matter how much you ignore your problems, they won't go away? Sure, you can take a break, but don't distract yourself too much. The best way to get rid of your problems is by facing them head on. Remember that you are in control of your life. Talk to someone, get the help that you need, then take action. 

Do you want to talk to a Certified Life Coach about your problems? Call us today. We would like to help you through your journey in life. You are not alone.










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