Can Toxic Relationships Be Healed?

A toxic relationship is a relationship that causes harm to the individual who is involved in it leading to depression, anxiety, withdrawal, self-loathing and regret. Human beings have been created as social beings capable of forming emotional attachments with others in order to communicate, love, trust, respect, show empathy and so on. Therefore, when people form unhealthy bonds with their partners, it does more harm than good. 

Toxic relationship

In this article, we will help you to understand the signs of an unhealthy relationship and why you should leave a toxic relationship.

Signs of a Toxic Relationship 

Toxic relationships can often bring out the worst in both individuals, causing them to grow more distant from each other. As a result, it can be hard for a victim to leave their toxic relationship as they feel trapped in the relationship, unhappy and unsafe. Learning how to deal with abusive relationships is essential for any person who has experienced emotional abuse. 

The most typical signs of a toxic relationship include:
  • Unwillingness to compromise
  • Verbal abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Seeing someone as less valuable than yourself
  • Lack of core values
  • Seeing someone as a possession. 
People tend to move in and out of all kinds of relationships including friendships, romantic relationships, and family. But when you have a toxic relationship, it affects you both ways. You can’t trust yourself, your experience of love and intimacy, or even your own judgment. 

toxic relationships

Effects of Toxic Relationships

What if you were to learn how to leave a toxic relationship so that your life can be better? Toxic relationships are defined as non-supportive and abusive. It is dangerous to romanticize toxic relationships because they are not a love story; they’re simply not healthy. 

Although these relationships can provide some temporary pleasure in the beginning, in time, your satisfaction will only grow weaker. Our bodies have an instinct to protect themselves from being hurt, and therefore you may begin to shut down emotionally when you stay in a toxic relationship for too long. 

Toxic relationships are relationships that are characterized by emotional abuse and/or physical abuse. Some people have the misconception that all women are ‘emotionally abusive’, and men are emotionally abusive. However, this is not always the case. Most toxic relationship cases involve two parties who can be described as being in control of each other, or using their power and position to manipulate the other person into doing whatever they want. 

Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. When you trust, you have open communication and build an equal partnership. If you don't know your partner's intentions, how can you build trust? A toxic relationship lacks trust, and this is therefore unhealthy. It is not healthy to be with someone who openly despises you, insults you, manipulates you, cheats on you, uses you, disrespects you, and lies to you.  If this sounds like your relationship, then you need to think twice about staying in such an unhealthy relationship. 

Can my toxic relationship be fixed? 

The real answer is NO. I know you want your relationship to work out because your partner has so much potential, but if they haven't changed their ways by now, they probably never will. The truth is that all relationships have their own challenges. Of course your partner is not perfect. No one is. Is it normal for your partner to drive you crazy or anger you from time to time? Yes. Is it okay if your partner calls you insulting names, cheats on you, harasses you, abuses you physically, emotionally, financially, and even mentally? Absolutely not. 

toxic relationships

The only way that a toxic relationship can heal is if both of you are willing to be accountable, to change your behaviors and actions towards one another, and to respect and value one another. If you have told your partner hundreds of times to stop acting in a way that harms or hurts you emotionally, physically, mentally, or financially and they never change, then it means that they do not value you or the relationship enough to change. Maybe you have even tried couples counseling to see if things will improve but there is still no change in your relationship. 

If that is you, then I need you to know that you have done your best. You gave them your all and sadly it wasn't enough. It is now time to put yourself first and walk away from this harmful relationship. The toxic relationship cannot be saved. 

Get professional help and heal from a toxic relationship

If you are leaving a toxic relationship, you will need all the support you can get in order to heal from your pain and get back to being the incredible, joyful, focused, bad ass lady/guy you have always been. I have your back. Being a survivor of a toxic relationship myself, I know how hurt you are for the way they took your love for granted. I know how you are struggling to forgive yourself for letting them treat you badly and disrespect you for such a long time. And I know how you cant wait to get over them and move on happily with your life. 

I was able to overcome my toxic relationship, leave it, focus on my life, and heal from all the terrible things they put me through. I can help you heal too. 

Get in touch with me (Coach Wangari Migwi) to book a counseling session that will help you gain back control of your life and finally get over your toxic ex. Inbox me on Whatsapp today by tapping this link and let's start your journey towards deep healing.  

Coach Wangari Mgwi


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